Neville wadia institute of managememt and research pune college code 6110

introduction :
this b school situated in heart of the city .only 1 km from pune railway station. this institute found on 1999 (25 years ) ago NAAC ACCREDITED AFFILIATED TO SPPU AICTE APPROVEDED
how to get admission ?
- through the (mba cet ) exam that usually carried out by maharashtra cetcell in ,februvary -march month.
- through the vacant rounds , after completion of 3 merit rounds.
- note – this college does not have management quata .
- But you can get easily admission through vacant round with paying open fees .
campus / canteen / other facilities
youtube video :
- in wadia campus , their are 6 others college campus including wadia engineering college which is include in top 15 college in pune .
- ness wadia commerce college .
- cursow wadia college
- post graduate pragrammes ( phd , msc, mA , MCOM , MBA )
- canteen is good ,
- in 2024 college changes vibrant changes in campus are , make new footpath , planting trees,
- college also have hostel facility (75000) something charges including mess
- i talked with my senior not good reveiw of hostel.
- but very good for girls , considaring safty issue .
placement statistics neville wadia institute of management and Research pune 6110: honest review- MBA pragramme placement is good enough for marketing and finance .
- almost 80% students gets placed as per college perspective .
- highest place from recent batch of 2022 -24 is 8.40 lpa .
- college placement officer MR . VINCENT KEDARI
- lowest packed is 3.20 LPA .
- almost 200+ companies visited in 2022-24 as per college reports
specialization include –
- marketing
- finanace
- HR
- oprations and supply chain
- business analytics
college festivals and events –
- freshers party
- their is one event called asp
- ire arranged by college in jan month lot of sports activity including cricket , football , chess , dance , singing and other activities are included .
- NSS camps also arranged by college .
pros about college :
- decent placements .
- supportive teaching staff .
- good college enviornment .
- affordable fees .
- no managment quota .
- alumni networks more than 5000 ,
- old college founded in 1999
- wadia name linked with college .
- college timing like school start from 10 -5.30 .
- no sports activities
- no gym facilities
- first sem is only of 3 month .
open – 1,47000
obc / sebc /ews /ebc – 82000
vj / sc /st / tfws / sbc – 18600
note – this all information and figures are off that particular year for detailed information contact college website
Category: Blog